Reprogram your mind to redefine

Have you discovered that meditation and mindfulness give you the support you need to manage a stressful everyday life, but still feel like:
You get a lot done, but do not find balance in life, nor time for yourself and your dreams?
Your quest to try to get as much as possible done, and as perfect as possible, has left you exhausted, unhappy and generally frustrated?
You are planning time for others, such as work, family and friends, but do not take the time to plan and create the life you want?
Let's get you clear on what you are doing and get you TAKING ACTION!

Heidi has been lecturing and leading change
in organisations and companies for 17 years
Held in English or Swedish

The Perfection Pit to the Power Paradigm

No feeling is final...

Embarrassing situation gave me a huge perspective shift

Question Your New Year's Resolutions!

Heidi Andersen is originally from the USA and has been working out of Stockholm Sweden for the past 20 years where she has been working as a therapist and teaching resilience, stress management, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), lecturing, holding retreats and coaching. Heidi regularly holds MBSR & master classes and was one of the first to teach mindfulness in Sweden and is one of the most experienced mindfulness teachers in Sweden, having taught over 4000 people
the last 18 years.
Neuroplasticity Professional Course (Hardwiring Happiness),
Rick Hanson PhD, Malahide Ireland 2017 -
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 2005 Jon Kabat-Zinn and Saki Santorelli at Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts Medical Center
MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) 2006 Center for Mindfulness, Bangor University, Wales
Mindfulness instructor teaching MBSR 8 week program and master classes since 2006
Masters of Art Psychotherapy 2005 Art therapy Institute Niarte, Sweden
Transformational Presence Coach, Center for Transformational Presence; 2009 New York, USA
Insight Yoga instructor, certified by Sara Powers USA 2008
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) 1996 from Temple University
Sivananda yoga, Trivandrum India, 1999

Please feel free to contact us by phone or email. Or alternatively fill in the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
EMAIL: heidi@mindfulnessmeditation.se
PHONE NUMBER: +46 70 882 88 91